Fenn & Jawa

Fenn & Jawa

Thursday, May 14, 2015

Introduction: TK-421 Why Aren't You at Your Post & Other Stories

            So, this is an idea I’ve had noodling around for a few weeks.  The concept is that you have a set of murder mysteries set in the Star Wars universe.  Not too long ago I tried to read a sci-fi detective novel, and really I didn’t like it.  There’s too much explaining – it’s too foreign, too much world-building is necessary, and it just doesn’t have that homey, comfortable “oh yeah, I know this guy” feel of a good old detective novel.   It occurred to me that this could work much better if set in a sci-fi world which already exists and is well-known, well-beloved, and well-filled-out by not only its creator but a whole army of dedicated and enamored fans – namely, Star Wars.   The familiar archetypes – wise-guy detective, loyal sidekick, blundering police always messing everything up – are easily imagined in an already colorful universe that is ready-made to lend itself to this kind of a story.   All this, plus the fact that I could watch "Empire Strikes Back" and call it "research" made the idea quite appealing.
           Our hero is a bith (think the Mos Eisley Cantina band – that’s what bith are) named Fenn Dagnar – a detective-for-hire who gets called out on cases that are too hard for the knuckle-headed local law enforcement (read “storm troopers”) to solve, which is, as you can guess, pretty much every case.   Every detective must have a sidekick, and Fenn’s is “Jawa”, about whom you shall hear more later.  

            My goal is modest: tell the stories in serial format, with posts of about 350 words or more once a week, and I’ll probably be as surprised as anyone at the end.

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